Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
September 2012 - Volume 11, Issue 3
Table of Contents
Review article
Evidence for a Non-Genomic Action of Testosterone in Skeletal Muscle Which may Improve Athletic Performance: Implications for the Female Athlete
Jessica R. Dent, Deborah K. Fletcher, Michael R. McGuigan
2012, 11(3), 363-370

Research article
Longitudinal Study of Repeated Sprint Performance in Youth Soccer Players of Contrasting Skeletal Maturity Status
João Valente-dos-Santos, Manuel J. Coelho-e-Silva, Vítor Severino, João Duarte, Raúl S. Martins, António J. Figueiredo, André T. Seabra, Renaat M. Philippaerts, Sean P Cumming, Marije Elferink-Gemser, Robert M. Malina
2012, 11(3), 371-379

Research article
Time-of-Day Effects on EMG Parameters During the Wingate Test in Boys
Hichem Souissi, Hamdi Chtourou, Anis Chaouachi, Karim Chamari, Nizar Souissi, Mohamed Amri
2012, 11(3), 380-386

Research article
Effects of a Combined Aerobic and Strength Training Program in Youth Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Maria Beatriz Perondi, Bruno Gualano, Guilherme Gianini Artioli, Vítor de Salles Painelli, Vicente Odone Filho, Gabrieli Netto, Mavi Muratt, Hamilton Roschel, Ana Lúcia de Sá Pinto
2012, 11(3), 387-392

Research article
Order Effects of Concurrent Endurance and Resistance Training on Post-Exercise Response of Non-Trained Women
Andrea Di Blasio, Eugenio Gemello, Angelo Di Iorio, Gabriella Di Giacinto, Tiziana Celso, Donatella Di Renzo, Andrea Sablone, Patrizio Ripari
2012, 11(3), 393-399

Research article
Bioharness Multivariable Monitoring Device: Part. I: Validity
James A. Johnstone, Paul A. Ford, Gerwyn Hughes, Tim Watson, Andrew T. Garrett
2012, 11(3), 400-408

Research article
Bioharness Multivariable Monitoring Device: Part. II: Reliability
James A. Johnstone, Paul A. Ford, Gerwyn Hughes, Tim Watson, Andrew T. Garrett
2012, 11(3), 409-417

Research article
Rapid Hamstrings/Quadriceps Strength Capacity in Professional Soccer Players with Different Conventional Isokinetic Muscle Strength Ratios
Camila C. Greco, Wendell L. Da Silva, Sérgio R.A. Camarda, Benedito S. Denadai
2012, 11(3), 418-422

Research article
The Effects of Vibration During Maximal Graded Cycling Exercise: A Pilot Study
Davide Filingeri, Monèm Jemni, Antonino Bianco, Edzard Zeinstra, Alfonso Jimenez
2012, 11(3), 423-429

Research article
Effect of Kayak Ergometer Elastic Tension on Upper Limb EMG Activity and 3D Kinematics
Neil Fleming, Bernard Donne, David Fletcher
2012, 11(3), 430-437

Research article
Reliability and Validity of the OMNI-Vibration Exercise Scale of Perceived Exertion
Pedro J. Marín, Alejandro Santos-Lozano, Fernanda Santin-Medeiros, Robert J. Robertson, Nuria Garatachea
2012, 11(3), 438-443

Research article
Kinematics of the Typical Beach Flags Start for Young Adult Sprinters
Robert G. Lockie, William M. Vickery, Xanne A.K. Janse de Jonge
2012, 11(3), 444-451

Research article
Golfing Skill Level Postural Control Differences: A Brief Report
James S. Wrobel, Samuel Marclay, Bijan Najafi
2012, 11(3), 452-458

Research article
The Effect of an Acute Bout of Rubber Tube Running Constraint on Kinematics and Muscle Activity
Anita Haudum, Jürgen Birklbauer, Erich Müller
2012, 11(3), 459-467

Research article
The Effect of Instability Training on Knee Joint Proprioception and Core Strength
Mutlu Cuğ, Emre Ak, Recep Ali Özdemir, Feza Korkusuz, David G Behm
2012, 11(3), 468-474

Research article
Water Polo Game-Related Statistics in Women’s International Championships: Differences and Discriminatory Power
Yolanda Escalante, Jose M. Saavedra, Victor Tella, Mirella Mansilla, Antonio García-Hermoso, Ana M. Dominguez
2012, 11(3), 475-482

Research article
Effects of High Intensity Training and Continuous Endurance Training on Aerobic Capacity and Body Composition in Recreationally Active Runners
Kuno Hottenrott, Sebastian Ludyga, Stephan Schulze
2012, 11(3), 483-488

Research article
The Effect of Regular Exercise Training During Pregnancy on Postpartum Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity, a Measure of Arterial Stiffness
Ikuno Kawabata, Akihito Nakai, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Yuko Inoue, Toshiyuki Takeshita
2012, 11(3), 489-494

Research article
Effects of Six Months of Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training for Elderly Patients with a Long History of Type 2 Diabetes
Sijie Tan, Wei Li, Jianxiong Wang
2012, 11(3), 495-501

Research article
Notational Analysis of European, World, and Olympic BMX Cycling Races
Manuel Mateo-March, Cristina Blasco-Lafarga, Dominic Doran, Rubén C. Romero-Rodríguez, Mikel Zabala
2012, 11(3), 502-509

Research article
Comparison of Trunk Muscle Activity During Bridging Exercises Using a Sling in Patients with Low Back Pain
HyungKyu Kang, JinHwa Jung, JaeHo Yu
2012, 11(3), 510-515

Research article
Notational Analysis of Elite Men’s Water Polo Related to Specific Margins of Victory
Corrado Lupo, Giancarlo Condello, Antonio Tessitore
2012, 11(3), 516-525

Research article
Effects of Distance Specialization on the Backstroke Swimming Kinematics
Matteo Cortesi, Silvia Fantozzi, Giorgio Gatta
2012, 11(3), 526-532

Research article
Modelling the Progression of Competitive Performance of an Academy’s Soccer Teams
Rita M. Malcata, Will G Hopkins, Scott Richardson
2012, 11(3), 533-536

Research article
The Effects of a Carbohydrate-Protein Gel Supplement on Alpine Slalom Ski Performance
John G. Seifert, Ronald W. Kipp, David W. Bacharach
2012, 11(3), 537-541

Research article
Field of Vision Influences Sensory-Motor Control of Skilled and Less-Skilled Dart Players
Rebecca Rienhoff, Joseph Baker, Lennart Fischer, Bernd Strauss, Jörg Schorer
2012, 11(3), 542-550

Research article
Does Single Intramuscular Application of Autologous Conditioned Plasma Influence Systemic Circulating Growth Factors?
Gert Schippinger, Florian Fankhauser, Karl Oettl, Stefan Spirk, Peter Hofmann
2012, 11(3), 551-556

Case report
Detraining-Related Changes in Left Ventricular Wall Thickness and Longitudinal Strain in a Young Athlete Likely to Have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Cesare de Gregorio, Giampiero Speranza, Alberto Magliarditi, Pietro Pugliatti, Giuseppe Andò, Sebastiano Coglitore
2012, 11(3), 557-561

Letter to editor
Exercise Intensity of Recreational Sport: Impacts of Sex and Fitness
Colin J. Boyd, Norah J. MacMillan, Alex E. Green, Jon E.D. Ross, David B. Thorp, Brendon J. Gurd
2012, 11(3), 562-563

Letter to editor
The Facemask Produces Higher Peak Minute Ventilation and Respiratory Rate Measurements Compared to the Mouthpiece
Kirsten Bell, Megan Bedbrook, Tri-Tue Nguyen, Marina Mourtzakis
2012, 11(3), 564-566

Letter to editor
Do Toning Pants Help to Give You a Better Workout?
Alexa Kleingartner, John Porcari, Scott Doberstein, Charles Hendrix, Carl Foster
2012, 11(3), 567-568

Book review
James Watkins
2012, 11(3), 569

Book review
Robb S. Rehberg and Joelle Stabile Rehberg
2012, 11(3), 570

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